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The One Secret That Will Make You Rich, Happy and Successful in 2024

You are about to discover the most powerful secret of reality creation that has been hidden from you for centuries. You are about to learn how you can create your own reality with your imagination and how you can influence the world around you with your thoughts and feelings. You are about to enter a new dimension of consciousness where you are the master of your destiny and the creator of your experience.

This is not a fantasy or a fairy tale. This is the truth that has been revealed by some of the greatest reality creation experts in history.

But there is one secret that stands above all others. One secret that is so profound and so radical that it can change your life in an instant. One secret that can make you rich, happy, healthy, successful and fulfilled. One secret that can make you anything you want to be.

That secret is this: everyone is you pushed out and imagined.

What does this mean? It means that everything and everyone in your reality is a reflection of your own consciousness. It means that you are not separate from the world, but one with it. It means that you are not a victim of circumstances, but a creator of them. It means that you are not limited by what you see, but by what you imagine.

How does this work?

It works by the law of assumption. The law of assumption states that whatever you assume to be true in your mind will become true in your reality. Your assumptions shape your perception, your perception shapes your experience, and your experience shapes your reality.

This means that whatever you imagine in your mind will manifest in your world. Whatever you feel in your heart will attract to you. Whatever you believe in your soul will become your truth.

This also means that whatever you imagine about others will influence them. Whatever you feel about others will affect them.

Whatever you believe about others will become their truth.

This is how everyone is you pushed out and imagined. You are projecting your own consciousness onto the world and onto others. You are creating your own reality with your imagination.

But why would you want to do this?

Why would you want to create your own reality with your imagination?

The answer is simple: because you can.

You can create any reality you want with your imagination. You can have anything you want with your imagination. You can be anything you want with your imagination.

You can create a reality where you are rich, wealthy and prosperous. You can have a reality where you have abundance, success and happiness. You can be a reality where you are confident, powerful and influential.

You can create a reality where you are loved, respected and admired. You can have a reality where you have harmonious relationships, loyal friends and supportive family. You can be a reality where you are compassionate, generous and kind.

You can create a reality where you are healthy, fit and energetic.

You can have a reality where you have vitality, wellness and longevity. You can be a reality where you are radiant, beautiful and attractive.

You can create any reality you want with your imagination. You can have anything you want with your imagination. You can be anything you want with your imagination.

But how do you do this? How do you create your own reality with your imagination?

The answer is simple: by following the steps that Neville Goddard taught his VIP students.

Neville Goddard was one of the most influential reality creation experts of the 20th century. He was a mystic, a teacher and a writer who shared his insights on the power of imagination and the law of assumption. He taught his students how to use their imagination to create their desired reality in a simple and effective way.

Here are the steps that Neville Goddard taught his VIP students:

1) Define your desire. What do you want to create in your reality? What do you want to have in your life? What do you want to be in your world? Be clear and specific about what you want.

2) Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. How would you feel if you already had what you want? How would you feel if you already were what you want? Feel it as if it were true right now. Feel it as if it were real right now.

3) Enter into a state akin to sleep. Relax your body and calm your mind. Enter into a state of drowsiness or sleepiness where you are still aware but detached from the external world.

4) Imagine a scene that implies fulfillment of your desire. What would you see if you already had what you want?

What would you hear if you already were what you want? What would you touch if you already experienced what you want? Imagine a scene that implies that your desire is already fulfilled. Make it as vivid and realistic as possible.

5) Repeat the scene until it feels natural. Imagine the scene over and over again until it feels like a memory. Imagine the scene until it feels like it has already happened. Imagine the scene until it feels natural.

6) Let go and trust. Release the scene from your mind and let it go. Trust that it is done. Trust that it is yours. Trust that it is real.

That's it. That's how you create your own reality with your imagination. That's how you use the secret of everyone is you pushed out and imagined.

But don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself. Experiment with it. Test it. Prove it.

You will be amazed by the results. You will be astonished by the changes. You will be transformed by the power.

You will realize that you are the reality creation expert. You will realize that you are the master of your destiny. You will realize that you are the creator of your experience.

You will realize that everyone is you pushed out and imagined.

And you will love it.

  • Everyone is you pushed out and imagined means that everything and everyone in your reality is a reflection of your own consciousness.
  • You can create your own reality with your imagination by using the law of assumption, which states that whatever you assume to be true in your mind will become true in your reality.
  • You can create any reality you want with your imagination by following the steps that Neville Goddard taught his VIP students: define your desire, assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, enter into a state akin to sleep, imagine a scene that implies fulfillment of your desire, repeat the scene until it feels natural, let go and trust.
  • You are the reality creation expert, the master of your destiny and the creator of your experience.


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