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Manipulating the Matrix: Choose Your Reality

What if I told you that you are living in a simulation right now?

And that you have the power to change it and create the reality of your dreams? Would you believe me? Or would you think I'm crazy?

If you are curious about this idea, then you are in the right place. In this blog post, I will share with you some of the secrets of reality creation that have been taught by some of the most influential and successful people in history, such as George Gurdieff, Neville Goddard and others.

These people have discovered and applied the principles of the law of assumption, which states that whatever you assume to be true in your mind will manifest in your external reality. They have learned how to use their imagination, emotions, and beliefs to shape their experience and attract what they desire.

But how is this possible?

How can we change the simulation that we are living in?

And what is the simulation anyway?

The simulation is the projection of your consciousness onto the screen of space and time. It is the result of your subconscious programming, which is influenced by your past experiences, memories, traumas, fears, expectations, and assumptions. Your subconscious mind is like a computer that runs the simulation according to the data that it has stored.

The problem is that most of us are not aware of our subconscious programming and how it affects our reality. We think that we are victims of circumstances, that we have no control over what happens to us, and that we have to accept whatever life throws at us. We are stuck in a loop of repeating patterns and situations that reflect our limiting beliefs and assumptions.

But there is a way out. There is a way to hack the simulation and change it to suit our preferences. There is a way to become the master of our own destiny and create the life of our dreams.

And that way is through the power of assumption.

Assumption is the act of accepting something as true without proof or evidence. It is a mental state that determines your perception and interpretation of reality. It is a creative force that shapes your experience and attracts what you expect.

When you assume something to be true, you create a feeling of certainty in your mind. This feeling generates an emotional state that matches your assumption. This emotional state then influences your actions and behaviors, which in turn affect your results and outcomes.

But more importantly, your assumption also sends a signal to the quantum field of infinite possibilities, which is the source of all creation. This signal acts as a command that instructs the quantum field to rearrange itself according to your assumption. This is how you change the simulation from within.

The quantum field responds to your assumption by creating a bridge of incidents that leads you to the fulfillment of your desire. A bridge of incidents is a series of events and circumstances that seem unrelated or coincidental, but are actually orchestrated by your subconscious mind to bring you what you want.

For example, if you assume that you are wealthy, you will feel wealthy in your mind. This feeling will make you act like a wealthy person, which will attract more wealth into your life. You will also receive opportunities, ideas, contacts, and resources that will help you increase your income and abundance. These are all part of the bridge of incidents that will lead you to your desired state.

The key to using the power of assumption effectively is to be consistent and persistent in your mental state. You have to live in the end result of your desire as if it were already true in the present moment. You have to feel it real in your imagination and emotions. You have to ignore the evidence of your senses and circumstances that contradict your assumption. You have to persist until it becomes natural and effortless for you.

This is not easy, but it is possible. And it is worth it.

To help you practice this technique, I will share with you an exercise that was taught by Neville Goddard to his VIP students. Neville Goddard was one of the most influential teachers of reality creation who lived in the 20th century. He was known for his ability to manifest anything he wanted by using his imagination and assumption.

The exercise is called "the goggles method". It involves using a pair of goggles or glasses as a tool to change your perception and assumption of reality. Here are the steps:

  • Choose a pair of goggles or glasses that you can wear comfortably. They can be any color or shape, as long as they fit well on your face.
  • Decide what you want to manifest or change in your reality. It can be anything: money, health, love, career, etc.
  • Imagine that the goggles or glasses have a special power that allows you to see reality as if your desire were already fulfilled. For example, if you want more money, imagine that the goggles make everything look more abundant and prosperous. If you want love, imagine that the goggles make everyone look more attractive and friendly. If you want health, imagine that the goggles make you feel more energetic and vibrant.
  • Put on the goggles or glasses and look around. Observe how everything looks different and better with your new perception. Feel the emotions that arise from seeing your desire as already true. Enjoy the experience and have fun with it.
  • Repeat this exercise every day for at least 10 minutes. You can do it in the morning, before going to bed, or anytime you have some free time. The more you do it, the more you will impress your subconscious mind with your new assumption and the faster you will manifest your desire.
  • After a while, you will notice that your reality will start to change to match your assumption. You will see signs, synchronicities, and manifestations that confirm your new state. You will also feel more confident, happy, and grateful for your life.

This exercise is very powerful and effective because it uses your imagination, emotions, and senses to create a new reality. It also bypasses your logical mind and its doubts and fears. It allows you to enter a state of flow and alignment with your desire.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about reality creation. I invite you to try this exercise and see for yourself how it works. Remember, you are living in a simulation and you have the power to control it.

All you have to do is assume that it is already done.


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